Quarantine Day 26-27: Dear stranger, if you are hearing this...

Hi stranger,

How are you? I never start a conversation without asking the person I am talking to how they are. I don’t know where you are reading from but I know we have a connection. A connection that is created through social distancing, a virtual one if you will. Yesterday if you have noticed I didn’t write because I sat infront of my laptop for an hour, did other stuff but never got to write my blog. It was one of days where you can’t even think or even know what you are thinking. If you asked me how I felt that day, I wouldn’t be able to give you an answer.

I think I am growing numb towards all the news and things happening around me. I know we are, as Italy, centre of attention on the news but it doesn’t work like that in real life. In real life you, and your family is the centre of attention. You worry about yourself, your parents, your job and your health. It is not easy to catch up with everyone so yesterday I also gave a break, and gave you a break.

As you know I never go on in detail of news or possibly use the word coronavirus like once or twice in my posts, as I am trying to show you what happens inside someone’s mind during a pandemic. At least we have food, we have our loved ones and we have a home. A day doesn’t pass that I don’t appreciate what I have in my life, or having a life. I will never and never have taken anything for granted.

Also it occurred to me, since this quarantine is now taking longer than a month, along with me there are so many women that are going through PMS for a week. So trapped in our houses for a month and trapped our minds for a week too. Being isolated in our homes we also have bunch of neighbours, and again WE ALL ARE IN OUR HOMES. So today I really feel like I am going crazy living with the sound of other houses around me constantly, if you also are surrounded by people you must. They are constantly screaming and shouting and I feel like I can’t handle it. With this virus I already can’t stand inconsiderate people, please remember we are all at our homes, we are all stuck, please consider one another and don’t make the experience even harder for others.

So here is my favourite playlist of today:

Screenshot 2020-03-21 at 11.24.31.png

Talk to you tomorrow.x